Earlier this year, I decided to challenge myself to use up a handful of makeup products in my stash. It is safe to say that I didn't exactly succeed - to be honest, I totally forgot about it!
#UseItUp 2016
Of the products I selected for 2015, I actually sold or gave away all of them except for two: my much loved La Mer Lip Balm and Kevyn Aucoin Liquid Liner. So for 2016, I'm gonna focus on using those up. Sounds like a much less daunting task! (Wish me luck.)
Products I bought in December and haven't used yet!
Leave No Product Unopened
Another challenge I'll set for 2016 is to use everything that is unopened in my stash. If you've been reading my blog for a long time, you'll know that I love to buy beauty products but often leave them in their wrapping for quite a while before I manage to use them. Seriously, once I buy a product it may take months or even years before I crack it open. Cringe. So next year, my goal is to try everything! Yup, literally everything!
A fall makeup look!
Spend Less, Use More
I know I say this every year but maybe this year I'll find a way. I'm happy to report I've been wearing makeup much more often since the summer, so hopefully I can keep that up. And in line with some personal goals, I hope I can spend less and really focus on saving this year.
How did you do with your challenges nd goals in 2015? Do you have any for 2016? I'd love to know!