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I don't know about you, but I am definitely not ready to say goodbye to summer. The weather is cooling down, but the sun's still out and I'm holding on to every reminder of summer that I can grab on to. Thankfully, I have a whole stash of self tanners and the beautyblender Body to delay thinking about fall!
Unlike the original beautyblender, this one is quite large and rather flat. I think it is a great size for applying body makeup, and I wish I remembered I had it when my friend needed to cover up tattoos! Once you wet it, the sponge feels quite squishy, which is really what I would expect from a beautyblender product.
Using this is way better for applying self tanner than just using your hands, though I do feel that the dabbing motions that it suggests using tend to make the process slower. Given that I'm lazy, I found that I prefer to just rub on self tanner with my hands or a mitt, but I do think that this beautyblender works great to apply a tan evenly. My fake tan looked super natural and great!
There were a few things that I wasn't so sure about though. I felt that I applied more product than I normally would, which did end up feeling sticky. I found that it was really hard to wash out the Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel, even with the beautyblender Solid BlenderCleanser and the Liquid BlenderCleanser. But perhaps that varies depending on the product? I also found that I was digging my nails into it when I was washing it, which totally tore it a little in some areas. :( Sad!
While the beautyblender Body isn't my first pick for applying self tan, I do think that it works well for it. I haven't tried it for applying body makeup, but I think it would do really well for that. If you need something for both, then you should totally give this squishy sponge a try! Have you tried the beautyblender Body? I'd love to know!