"Beauty comes from within," or so they say, and I suspect it quite literally does. Over the years, beauty supplements have flooded the market and so many blogs (green beauty blogs especially) have raved about the benefits of positive food and lifestyle changes on their skin.
I've always been slightly skeptical of these claims, but I want to believe. Blemish face charts based on what you've eaten? Supplements for clear skin? I'm in. (Are you?)
I've never been one to watch what I eat (I'm very impressed by those of you who do), but I've become increasingly interested in leading a healthy lifestyle. I've signed up for a two week fitness challenge at work, and I'm committing myself to regular sessions of Pure Barre. (This is a huge step for me!)
I'm finally getting into reading the Clear Skin Detox Diet*, and hoping I can improve my food choices for the better. I've also been toting around these packets of Hum Nutrition Cleanse to the Rescue*, a 21 day supplement program to "support your skin, a flatter stomach, and healthy digestion." All things that sound great considering my frequent stomach issues and the blemishes I've experienced lately.
I've also been occasionally taking Hum Nutrition Daily Cleanse* and Here Comes the Sun* over the last six months or so, but my real issue is consistency. Sure, Here Comes the Sun* is just vitamin D (with very friendly ingredients) in fancy packaging, but here's hoping that prettily packaged supplements finally get me on the vitamin bandwagon.
Have you made any food or lifestyle changes that have positively impacted your skin? Are you good at remembering vitamins or are you totally inconsistent like I am? I'd love to know all your thoughts! :)