At the beginning of December, Claire tagged me to share my thoughts for the Makeup Addict Tag. I've finally put together my answers, and shared them in today's video. Think of it as a sneak peek to my beauty collection tour...
Here are the questions:
1. Which product do you still keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
2. What's the one product you can't live without?
3. Favorite makeup brand?
4. How big is your makeup collection?
5. And how do you store it?
6. How many items of makeup have you got in your handbag at the moment?
7. If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?
8. How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use?
9. Have you ever bought makeup knowing you wouldn't use it?
10. Tag a few other makeup addicts to do this tag!
I hope you guys enjoyed the video! I tag Procrastinating Pretty, Rouge Dreams, and Genuine Glow, and do share if you've do/have done this tag or have seen any awesome ones! :)