January Series: Evaluate & Purge

As discussed previously, it's important to evaluate all of your products periodically and clean out your rejects! For me, this is an ongoing process with a thorough purge every few months. I'm not one to toss out perfectly good products, so I've found a variety of ways to clean up & feel better about my unused products.

1. Give to friends! I gather up products I think my friends would like and regularly create gift boxes filled with samples I won't use and products that may not have worked out for me. For holidays, birthdays, etc I add this to their gifts, which are often products I've purchased for them! I also try to include notes about the products too.

2. Swap. Many beauty communities have swap programs or different ways of sharing products. I think this is a fun way to share your products with other beauty lovers!

3. Sell. I've sold products on eBay successfully before, and this is a great way to recoup some cash. Blog sales seem to be a success as well!

4. Donate! I love the idea of supporting other women. I love when bloggers donate to local women's shelters or organizations like Dress for Success. I plan to donate some products this year! :)

Hope this helps you clean out your collection... I know I always kept products because I didn't know what else to do with them, so hopefully these ideas spur you to put those unloved products to use!

Keep an eye out for the last post in this series, which is all about organization!